Friday, June 24, 2011

Atomic Storm In Parenthesis

[Daughter photo, Arena, Wis.]

Night seemed dazed.
A window rattled
Madly in wind
(Am I to be
Tossed into wild
Sky and end up
High above this valley,
Lost and crazed?
Do I dare rehearse
Such outrage in
My mind?
In reverse, much
Imagination seems
Unkind, dazed in
Night) and I am
At a loss to
Set it right.


  1. Above the waves is outer space to the swimming creatures.


  2. Intriguing. We come from piscine astronauts with a desire to explore atmospheres even more rarified --equate progress with higher and higher flight. There are times tho, admittedly, when I miss my flippers.


Please, say hello! I welcome your comments, thoughts, even criticisms!