Monday, March 26, 2012


Un côté et l'autre
Peut apprendre à bouleverser
Bouteilles à l'unisson.
Seul l'homme au
Au centre peut effectuer
Il par la puissance de l'esprit.


  1. Google translate says:
    "A side and the other
    Can learn to upset
    Bottles in unison.
    Only the man in
    The center can perform
    It by the power of the mind."

    I remember this photo of this odd veterinarian club going around on the Internet on Veterinarians Day last November, and in fact I sent it to you I love your recycling it, and now I'm working on deciphering your enigmatic poem here!

  2. Thank you, Will. Your translation is accurate --better than my French, which I am still learning.


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