Saturday, March 8, 2014

Big Dang Bang

In our modest station, we hear
Only the inside of
Creation, nothingness eroded, unlike
God, whose first thought 
Exploded --yes, into stars!
So all thought, and ours, is done
As variation on that one.


  1. By this post, you have taught me that the world is too big to fit in a single picture, and that all we see at a time is just a tiny part of it. And of course, we generalize. :-)

  2. Oh, I love the front gate
    and the poem is awesome, love the title ...

    Happy Sunday

  3. Beautiful food for thought - - -
    and I like that front gate!

  4. All it takes is that impressive numero uno....! Methinks it is a grand gate, too!

  5. This is Wisdom. The first creative thought is always the best.

  6. Like the gate, not too sure about the verse.

    Didn't God (if) come after the Bang?

    1. Intriguing question. Poem is written from panpsychic view --that an intelligent, self-aware universe and the God-concept are functionally indistinguishable and simultaneous.

  7. Nice gate!

    reply: thanks for your comment! I agree... it's really annoying. It's like they
    don't really want to fix it. But I hope they will soon!

    1. Thank you, Dewi, and welcome. Indeed, how a technical problem that extends from California to Rotterdam can escape Google's attention is quite a mystery!

  8. This is a wonderful summation of how I view the universe, as is your response to Twisted Scottish Bastard above ... I really like this poem ...

  9. These days we watch the television show Cosmos (on Sunday and Monday) about the Universe and stars and light etc. I feel really small.

  10. Silly me, I think which side of the gate you are standing at should matter somehow. Sort of like the fish wondering who is looking inside the fishbowl and who is looking out?

    1. As a product of the universe, I've never quite separated us looking it and it looking into us --but then, we may have started out as fish.


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