Sunday, October 4, 2015

Ratio Soliloquy

Paradise is 
A garden walled
In dream, hopes,
Secrets yet to be
Revealed where absence
Only means something
Concealed awaits and
Hell --a truth learned
Too late-- waits too.
To think, feel, love what is
Succinct and ampliative,
Our instincts must be
Creative, not destructive.
Yes, but we live our days in
A world alive --not thin or
Brittle-- within us, in us,
Each a world done in little.
We have only to reach
Out to its onward sphere
And help, help others
Find happiness here.


  1. Kindness is indeed what will reveal the secrets of that garden.

  2. Oh WOW, Geo...that is so moving...and so true!
    That is the only path to lasting happiness...:))

  3. One thing I love about your poetry is that I can change where I pause, and the words take on a different meaning. Very cool. It's also really nice to see a photo of you, Geo. Be well.

  4. Well said. Helping others find happiness is the key to our happiness isn't it?

  5. I agree with Sandra here. It does make me happy when I try and help out others. You have a talent to put those nice feelings in poetry.

  6. I liked this one a lot. My favorite? Here:

    We have only to reach
    Out to its onward sphere
    And help, help others
    Find happiness here.



Please, say hello! I welcome your comments, thoughts, even criticisms!