Saturday, February 6, 2016

The King's Mansion

The message board claims a mystery, somewhere between Ohio and Kentucky,  crisis within caused a campaign to fail. I have often wondered what misfortune befell this ministry.

What we know
From a train window,
Uncertain, caught
In a murky curtain,
Consumed in
Remoteness, a
Process by which
Probability changes
Under stress--
Progress reversing--
Once occurred,
Never happened.
Another blessing in
Disguise: kings 'til
Proven otherwise.


  1. I feel that this poem of yours can be applied to any and all situations of life.

    Of course, 'til proven otherwise.

  2. In another dimension...perhaps?
    What we see, may not be...quite reality...;)

    Intriguing and mysterious...I love this! :))

  3. Like your poem!
    Thanks for your comment ^^

  4. A mystery indeed. Sickness. Death of the preacher. Decision on whether to pay the power bill or feed the poor. Whatever the cause, the Word must be put on hold. Until further notice.


Please, say hello! I welcome your comments, thoughts, even criticisms!