Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Needs Must

I have risen early
To no purpose,
My opinion
Not required.
Old enough
Surely -- I should
Be resigned to
Under-rank design
Outlined in
Fallen apples--
To know art
And novelty tick
Away in others'
Needs, that what
I think, feel,
What I do


  1. Ah! You said it for me as well! The joys, confusion and wonderment of older age. Geo., thanks!

  2. Maybe it's that deep, Willie, maybe. Written today after my stunt double redid a bit of kitchen, requiring me to take down shelves into which,to amuse the children, I'd once carved Hendrick Hudson bowling ninepins. My protests fell on deaf resolve and Hendrick's in the woodbox. What a difference 20 years makes!


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