Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Out Of August

She just now sent this
From the kitchen entitled
"Don't Forget To Laugh"--
One of many yearly
"Veggieportaits" she 
Uses to lure me out of
August, awful month except
For so many loved ones'
Birthdays, harvests, stunning
Flavors but hot as...
Well, who can complain as
Garden deliriants obtain? 


  1. Hello, dear Geo! August is the cruelest month (no matter the famous words a certain poet said).

    Norma's photo (and your wise and witty words) brought a big smile to my face. And I must thank you both for that :-)


    1. Dear Dylan, good to hear from you, and glad Norma's veggie-magic brightens your day as well as mine. Thanks, mi amigo.

  2. Norma is a precious gem. As they say, “laughter is the best medicine”.

    1. Dear Arleen, I agree and am contemplating calculating her weight in carats (not carrots --she grows those out in her garden). I consider you a gem too.

  3. I see he's had his nose done. It looks tasty.

    1. My dear Consigliere, quite correct. The object Norma chose for my nose came not from our garden but from Nabisco. It is a Triscuit. It does however resemble my nose when I fell out of bed once.

  4. A delicious portrait for sure and one that can be enjoyed many ways, visually and tastefully.

    1. Thanks dear Beatrice! Please excuse me for not answering sooner but this new Blogger format has got me flummoxed. I keep clicking back to the old reliable system but "New Blogger" reasserts itself without provocation or warning. I'll get better at it --I hope. Right now its iffy.

  5. Haha. She's a keeper, that Norma. And she's got one too. How could you complain? That's a flavorful love note, if ever there was one.

    Be well. August is behind us.
    Love to you, friend.

    1. Dear lovely Robyn, most kind! I don't know if you remember a '60s-'70s fad called "Trial Marriage". Norma and I discussed it back then and thought it was a pretty good idea but decided against. Otherwise we'd have ended up with 4 "trial children" and at least that many "trial grandchildren". It'd be a great inconvenience to them if the trial fizzled.
      Love and wellness to you too, my friend.

  6. love can be express in many ways indeed dear Geo and this is genuinely beautiful :)

    wishing you all the happiness and peace in days ahead my friend!

    1. Dear kind Baili, thanks so much for your encouraging comment. These are trying times and positive, life-affirming minds, like yours, are much-needed.


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